Posted on 4/30/2023

As a vital component of your vehicle's fuel system, the fuel pump delivers fuel from the gas tank to the engine. When your fuel pump isn't working correctly, you'll experience various issues, including a car that won't start or stalling during acceleration. What Can Damage Your Fuel Pump? Several factors can damage your fuel pump and cause it to fail prematurely. Here are some of the most common explanations: Running on an Empty Tank: Your fuel pump relies on the gasoline in your tank to keep it cool and lubricated. Running on an empty tank can cause the pump to overheat and fail. Using Low-Quality Fuel: Fuel that contains impurities, such as dirt and debris, can damage your fuel pump's internal components. Driving on Rough Roads: Repeatedly driving on rough or uneven surfaces can cause the fuel pump's filter to become clogged with debris and dirt, leading to a decline in performance. Faulty ... read more